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Black Churches Matter: Research Ties Attendance to Positive Outcomes
African Americans who worship regularly are better able to handle racism and discrimination.
How Methodists Invented Your Kid's Grape Juice Sugar High
The weird story behind the church's go-to communion wine substitute.
How Celebrate Recovery Helped Evangelicals Open Up About Addiction
Over 25 years, the program has made churches a safer space for recovery.
How Perry Noble's Alcohol Firing by NewSpring Compares to Other Churches
Stats suggest a substantial number of pastors struggle with addiction, but are split on what to do about it.
Perry Noble, NewSpring Church and Our Obsession with Numbers
Our numbers obsession continues to leave victims in its wake. Now Perry Noble and the tens of thousands of members of NewSpring church are on the list of walking wounded.
Where the White Working Class Went Wrong
J. D. Vance loves his 'hillbilly' tribe—yet hates what they’ve become.
A Toast to My Journey with Wine
Calling for a more moderate discussion about moderate drinking.
What Tommy Taught Me
Our church’s walk with a homeless man marked us indelibly.
The Spiritual Roots of Addiction
Seth Haines talks about his battle with alcoholism and how leaders can help addicts find freedom.
The Church that Drinks Together
In our town, refusing to drink alcohol may be a bigger stumbling block than serving it.
My Double Life as a Secret Addict
I was afraid of being found out, but then grace found me.
A Sobering Mercy
The second time I surrendered to Christ, I was on a dirt road with no memory of how I had arrived there.
The Teetotalers I Never Knew
Abstaining Christian activists of previous generations were radically committed to the common good.
Why I Gave Up Alcohol
In a rush to shed our separatist past, have young evangelicals forgotten to love their neighbors?
We'd Rather You Sin at Home
Christian parents and the drinking-age debate.
How to Love a Drunk
A story of addiction, healing, and grace
My Small Group, Anonymous
Where nobody knows your (last) name.
Book Update and What I'm Reading and Tweeting
I've submitted my manuscript of Small Talk (hooray!) and here are some books and articles about faith and disability that might be of interest...
Ladies, Who Needs a Drink?
More women are pouring themselves a glass—including me and my Christian friends.
The Most Difficult Time Of The Year
10 ways for people in recovery to relieve Christmas anxiety.

Top Story April 27, 2024

What Antisemitic Campus Chants Tell Us About This Angry Era
What Antisemitic Campus Chants Tell Us About This Angry Era
The rage of the mob is a poor substitute for real community.

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